I owned, and ran, a one man antique auto restoration shop in Tucson, AZ. for about 18 years. Mostly pre-'30's museum cars. Two of used to be mine Galaxies are in the NAPA calendars 1990 and 1991. I knew that guy that took those photo shoots for Napa so when he did the old stuff, he came over to my shop looking for a few "modern" ones. Had a nice '68 XL ragtop too that went to Christchurch New Zealand about 7 years ago, he shows it there. Had more 65's and nearly gave them away in my big move from Tucson, AZ. up here to Durango , Co. about 20 years ago. Pre- Tucson was upstate, N.Y. where I was born, leaving for the Southwest the year the USA took the hockey gold. In 1980, a senior citizen neighbor lady in Tucson was driving a '64 406 tri powered 2 door Galaxie to get groceries in. I said to myself, these cars are all over the place, they never rot away, just the interiors get crispy.
I kept one, my '65 Galaxie 500 convertible named "Ni-Time". Triple black , and with a namesake as Galaxie, her name came quick and easy. A '65 Galaxie 500 door hardtop was my high school car, and almost wasn't, because the parental units had a tough time with the 390 emblem on the fenders. 500 paper route dollars for a 7 year old luxury to me big Detroit engined full size, was a dream come true. I've always had one ever since. I plan on working with Mark to show some build articles in the near future, but right now it's painted and back on the completed chassis. The donor Chassis was a '79 T-bird, and I'll bet you guys already know what I used!