After serveral stops and starts and my attending college classes at night and earning the credit for my 2
year degree, the Galaxie is now finished. It has won several awards, including two Best of Show Awards, A
Best Interior, and an Antique AACA Senior Award. I still enjoy driving it, although the weather has to be
very co-opeative before I consider it. I really enjoy talking with people who remember when these cars were
new, and almost everyone either had one or knew someone who had one. I’ve really enjoyed the car, and I
hope to continue showing and driving it for several years to come. Who knows, I just might get another
200,000 miles out of it.
(Great story, Steve. While reading it I was reminded of Ted McMurray’s article in last issue where he
stated...”Life is too short. Besides, if you really love each other, you both have to give a little. Try to enjoy
each others hobbies. You’ll have a richer relationship for it.” I hope that you are fortunate enought to find a
wife who will understand your hobby as well as it appears your first did. When we read something like this,
we cannot help but feel the loss you must have had. ED)

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