Here you see the newest and most exciting of all the beautifully pro- portioned 59 Fords - the new Ford Galaxie - glamour car of the year! There are six models, each one a full "fine car" 6-passenger expression of Thunderbird grace - spirit - style and elegance! And, as you'll quickly see, they're as wonderfully all-the-way Thunderbird as a low-priced Ford can be.
Galaxie Club Sedan is the only top-of-the 2-door conventional sedan in Ford's field. it has deep-pile carpets like the Thunderbird .. and high-style door trim with fashion-contoured arm rests. Its standard engines (Six or Thunderbird V-8) thrive on regular gasoline, save you up to 5¢ a gallon compared to premium gas. |
| Galaxie Town Sedan gives you Thunderbird elegance in a 4-door family sedan! Its smart Thinline roof and rear window say Thunderbird unmistakably! You get Thunderbird comfort, too, with thick, full-size cushions. You never feel like you're sitting on the floor as in some competitive cars! |
Galaxie Club Victoria is Thunderbird in looks ... Thunderbird in luxury ... Thunderbird in everything but price! Unlike some compet- itive makes, the Galaxie 2-door hardtop offers plenty of head room in both seats - and all six passengers ride in comfort, not just the four corner passengers. |