July - August
Galaxie Gazette

Have you Flown A Ford Lately?

In This
July-August 2000

From the Drivers Seat
1965 & 1966 Ford's
by Joe Oros
The Great 3,040 Mile Parts Run
by Greg Mc Vickers
Ford Script
by David L. Lewis
My hood hinges are worn out on my 1962...By Greg Donahue
Engine Blue Printing
from Hastings Manufacturing Company
Repealing The 55 MPH Speedlimit
from the NMA
Beadblast or Sandblast?
Tech Article
Is The Chevy Smallblock V-8 Really A Ford?
From The Copley Service April 3rd 1981, by Andy Smith
The Little Ones 1964 Galaxie 500-XL RELEASED
by Phil Caldwell
Member Profile of the 1972 LTD
owned by Members John & Marilyn Elliott of Houston, Texas U.S.A.

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