Galaxie Gazette

Have you Flown A Ford Lately?

In This

The International Ford Galaxie Owners Association
From the Drivers Seat
1960 Ford Identification
Feature article
1960 Wiring Diagrams
From Ford
My windshield washer pump wasn't working, so I purchased a new one...By Greg Donahue
Roadblock Justification
By James Baker - President National Motorist Association
Y2K Nationals
Information on the 5 day extravaganza for the
September 2000 Club Nationals
Remembering 1960
From sources on the World Wide Web
Total Production - 1960
The Little Ones
Phil Caldwell
Member Profile of the 1960 "Starliner"
owned by Member Hennie Lek of Dekwakel, Holland
Special Thanks
To member Nancy Brogden for the new cover design!

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