Ford had  abetter
was called aGALAXIE!

The Ford Galaxie Club of America
The International Ford Galaxie Owners Association
Marcus Registrada

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

If you would like to join or renew using a Master Card or Visa just follow these simple instructions. We are now verified with PayPal for online credit card singups and purchases. For sign up you simply go to the Pay Pal website and fill out a form that allows you to send money via your credit card to the club.

When you are making payment be sure to answer the following questions in the comment box:

  1. What year and model is your Galaxie?
  2. What is your telephone number?
  3. Do you mind having it listed in the member registry?
  4. Are you willing (within reason) to help a stranded member?

Now click on the following logo and go to the shopping cart. The memberships are at the top.

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

If you want more than a membership please use the shopping cart that is on the next page for your convenience.

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!
We're PayPal Verified

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