We offer FREE classified advertising to members of the club with the following guidelines. An ad with five pictures is allowed to go up twice a year. Any more than two is $15.00 per ad. An ad with text only, up to 50 words is allowed to go up 3 times a year.

For non-members an ad with five pictures is a donation of $25.00 and runs for two months minimum (one issue online) eight months maximum (4 issues online). The text of the ad and one color picture goes in the club magazine and will run once in the next issue after payment, included in the price. A text only ad on the Internet site and in the magazine for non-members is $15.00 up to 50 words, 15 cents per word over 50. All ads MUST have a phone number accompanying them as well as digital pictures. We do not accept printer prints, physical photos or copy machine prints.

Please send all the information, pictures, etc. and a check made payable to the Ford Galaxie Club of America, PO Box 427, Valley Springs, Arkansas 72682-0427
OR Use Paypal for payment (pick send money and send to director@galaxieclub.com)
and send the pictures and ad via our Email address at director@galaxieclub.com.

Business Ad Rates are as follows:

Full page $250 per issue (8 x 10 1/2"), half page $150.00 (8 x 5 1/4") per issue, quarter page $100.00 (4 x 5 1/4") per issue. Business card size $50.00 per issue. Prepaid ads for 1 year (6 issues) recieve a 20% discount. All members get 25% discount for any commercial ads. Deadline for submissions: the last day of February, April, June, August, October, and December. We prefer artwork in PDF format for the printer for top quality. Otherwise artwork must be "camera ready." For further information call: 870-743-9757 or E-mail us at: director@galaxieclub.com

Business classifieds need to be submitted 25 days of the proposed release date of the magazine. Costs are $15.00 for the first 50 words and .15 per word after that. Release dates are January, March, May, July, September and November, on the 15th of these months. Please make checks payable to the

The Ford Galaxie Club
of America

P.O. Bx 427, Valley Springs, Arkanasas 72682-0427
Phone: 870-743-9757
E-mail: director@galaxieclub.com

Join our club HERE!

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